
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

And the band played on... which I discover the joys of the M25

Well it's not quite true to say I "discovered" it; I have travelled on it before, but it's been a while.  My new contract is in Kent, and initially I need to be down here to gather user requirements and so on, which means driving down on a Sunday evening and leaving early on a Friday (trains are not an option this time, as they're simply too expensive and inconvenient, so I'm hiring a car each week).

In its time the M25 has been called a lot of things.  A 117-mile long car park. A rather pointless waste of public money.  The occult symbol Odegra (see Good Omens).  I prefer a more literal description - it's a horribly long and dull stretch of road on which a large minority of people apparently feel that it's perfectly OK to drive like sub-literate barbarians to whom the words "Highway Code" are a mere collection of syllables; and it is also now the bane of my life, especially on a Friday when it acts as a way of stopping me getting home at a reasonable time.

Anyway, I'm staying with friends down here at the moment, which is nice as it means I have someone to talk to in the evenings and they're looking after me really well.  It's been a bit of adjustment as it's such a long way to come but hopefully within a couple of months I'll be able to alternate between being at home and being down here.

So...running.  Yes.  Um.  Oh look, a flying rhinocerous!  Okay, okay, I admit it, I haven't really done any for the last couple of weeks.  We do have a treadmill at home now (and there's one in the garage here too that I can use) so the weather isn't really a problem, but I'm definitely struggling on the motivation front.  So, more effort definitely required there.  On the plus side I do still seem to be losing a little bit of weight each week which will hopefully make the running easier once I do manage to get back to it.  Which will be soon.  Honest.

Apart from that I'm learning lots of stuff about the new programming stuff from Microsoft, but since a very small percentage of people are likely to have any interest in that I shall skip lightly over it.

Lots has probably happened in the last couple of weeks that I've managed to completely forget, which I shall blame on age.  Or possibly madness.  Or both.

In any case, I shall try to make an effort to blog more - it's been a somehat frantic few weeks but hopefully things will settle down a bit now and I can get on with boring you all.