
Dramatis Personae

A list of people that might or might not get mentioned in the blog

Me - 40-something main protagonist. Sometimes known as Nogbad (blame Ev - see below). You don't need to read about me here, you can see my profile over on the right.

A/Very Significant Other (VSO)/Extremely Significant Other (ESO) - my beloved/long-suffering wife. We've been married 20 years. The reason I joined Slimming World in the first place - A did it first and lost 3 stone, and has kept it off for over 12 months now. Very beautiful.

Ev - my oldest friend. I allegedly owe him 10 pence from when we were at school, but I vehemently refute this.

Saira & G - 2 of our closest friends that still live near us (all the others have moved away). Saira is doing Slimming World too, and whenever we all have time we meet up for a barbecue/food and G and I make what we are pleased to call music with our guitars (I'm not sure what everybody else calls it as they're too polite to tell us).

YC - Youngest Child. Able to talk all the limbs and the tail off a donkey at the drop of the hat. Endlessly curious about everything. Currently at Uni.

The Younger Teen - middle child. Football mad, plays for a local youth team. Quite talented apparently, although since I know less than nothing about football I have no idea. He scores goals sometimes.

The Elder Teen - stereotypical 16-year old. Imagine Kevin the teenager with a chip on his shoulder.

Claire the Very Lovely Consultant (VLC) - The lady that books us in at our SW group and supports us and helps us when we're struggling, and encourages us when we're doing well.