...until it does.
Now (19th December) seems as good a time as any for a "let's look back at the year" post.
Nearly a year after I decided that I wanted to lose some weight; I'm still not sure why I suddenly, after 20+ years of being 3 - 4st overweight, decided that I didn't want to be fat any more.
I do know that I'm extremely glad that I made that decision. I'm really very happy to be wearing 30" jeans for the first time in about 25 years. I'm probably fitter now than I've ever been; I'm pretty sure that even when I was 17 if you'd asked me to run 10 miles or more I'd have thought you were mad, whereas now 10 miles is my weekly run on a Sunday and I don't even think of that as being a long run now (15+ miles now counts as "long" if you were wondering).
So, here's the thing...or a thing, at least. At this point last year I was about 4 stone overweight. This year that 4 stone has disappeared, and I feel pretty good about that, but the point of the post is pretty much this: if you're unhappy with anything that you have the power to change then the choice is yours. (note the emphasis - far too many people seem to think that people have the power to change things that are completely outside their control).
You can accept it, or you can choose to change it; if you choose to change it, then commit to that change 100% and I guarantee you'll succeed (this is a message for myself in the morning when I'm more sober).
Remember last year, when being 4 stone lighter seemed like an impossible dream? Well, just look at yourself now. If I can do that, then anybody can do anything that's within their power. Yes, really.
So, what's next? Well, I've always fancied playing music for a living....