
Thursday 5 June 2014

Of Syns and Slimming which I talk about syns and list what I ate today

On Slimming World, syns are effectively a way of letting yourself have treats that would be out of bounds on most diets (or would make you feel horribly guilty if you ate them). Any food that is not free or superfree (see yesterday's blog) has a syn value (e.g. a bag of crisps is around 6 syns on average), and you're allowed 5 - 15 syns a day. 

You can save the syns up for the week if you want to, and you don't have to use them but they are a good way to stay on the diet without feeling deprived.

The bad news is wine is not a free food, so I tend to save my syns for the weekend and have a couple of bottles of wine; the good news is that because this sort of thing is built into the Slimming World plans I don't have to worry about it.

4th June 2014


Mullerlight yoghurt (smooth toffee), strawberries, satsuma

Morning Snack

60g Wholemeal Roll, lean back bacon with cherry tomatoes


Home made savoury rice (boiled rice mixed with stir-fried onion, chilli pepper and mushrooms and cooked frozen sweetcorn and mixed with soy sauce and a little 5-spice powder).

Chicken Fillet cooked with crushed chillies & garlic (1.5 syns - chicken is usually free, but these were bought from Aldi and when I checked the Slimming World app they have 1 syn per 100g; I'm not sure if this is just because it's supposed to be cooked with oil (I used frylight)).


Speedy Chicken Jambalaya (from the Easy Express cookbook - the recipe is here, but you'll need to be a slimming world member and log in to see it).

Evening Snack

Mullerlight (vanilla with dark cherry and chocolate sprinkles), Melon

Syns for the day: 1.5.


30 minutes on exercise bike - 400 calories burnt (according to the bike's display).

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