
Monday 22 September 2014

So near and yet so far... which our intrepid hero is almost but not quite there.

It is Monday, and therefore it is weigh in day. I have lost a pound since last week. I am feeling a bit ambivalent about this. On the one hand, it's nice to lose any weight, and a pound a week is around my average; on the other hand I was really hoping to get to target tonight. I needed to lose 1 more pound to do that, so I am really, really close now.

Of course, the wine on Friday/Saturday (I can have alcohol again now) probably didn't help; one of my favourite Merlots is on offer in one of the supermarkets at the moment, so clearly it's a conspiracy to make sure I don't get to target too quickly. Those naughty supermarket people, tempting me with their fermented grape juice.

Other than alcohol, it's been a fairly good week food-wise. I've made a couple of things that I made up the recipe for on the spot with what we had in the fridge and they were pretty yummy (according to other people in the family too, not just me)! There was some cider on Monday as well as the wine and I had a couple of moments of weakness involving the kids' definitely-not-healthy leftovers, but I did keep under my allowed syns for the week.

Exercising is also going well. I went out for a pre-breakfast run on Sunday (powered by a single banana) and did 9.5 miles; this is the longest I've run since the half-marathon and I've recovered really quickly - I was a bit achy yesterday afternoon but that's hardly a surprise, and I was fine today - fine enough to go to the gym, even.

I'm intending to run a couple of 5 mile runs this week (hopefully one on Wednesday with Amy from, and then do 10 - 11 miles on Sunday; if that goes well, then I will think about signing up for another half-marathon, but this time I'll do sponsorship and stuff.

I think these Sunday morning runs will be a regular thing now, at least as long as the weather stays good; I went out at 6:40 on Sunday, just as the sun was rising, and although it was chilly (which isn't much of a problem for very long when you're running) it was lovely to run in the slowly growing light. We live in quite a rural area and there was mist on the fields as I ran past, and as the sun rose it gave the mist a sort of pale gold glow on top.

There's a certain peace about the world at that time of morning too; a kind of silent anticipation of the new day, with all its possibilities. There's only you, and your thoughts, and the music, and the need to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and it's a wonderful kind of solitude.

Sorry, got all poetic there for a moment. In other news, I had an interview today for a new contract; I have no idea how it went really, although I didn't feel as if I gave the best account of myself I could. Still, if this one doesn't work out there's plenty of others around (a contract is unfortunately a necessity in the next month or so).

Anyway, that's it for tonight....more may be forthcoming this week. Or maybe not till next week. Until then....

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