
Thursday 26 June 2014

A battle of wills which there are crisps in the kitchen

 As mentioned yesterday, I have a rather strong liking for crisps. An addiction, almost. A complete lack of self-control. If you've ever seen a swarm of locusts strip a field of wheat then you've got some idea what I'm like around crisps (if it was one very large locust with a packet of crisps).

Today, there are crisps in the kitchen. And boy do I want some. But as of the time of writing (8pm) I have managed to resist.

I'm sure lots of people on any kind of diet plan have this sort of experience; you're in the supermarket and the chocolate is calling, or the cake is begging you to buy it, or the cider in the fridge is urging you to drink it...

So how do you resist when faced with this sort of situation? It's inevitable that sometimes you won't; sometimes you will give in, drink the cider, buy the chocolate, eat the cake. And that's OK. Nobody's perfect.

I like Slimming World because it gives you options here; you can eat it and cut back on your syns tomorrow (if it takes you over your limit), or if it's within today's syns then you don't even need to worry about it.

In my case, however, I know that 1 packet of crisps will almost inevitably lead to another, and then before you know it I'm sitting on the sofa at 11pm with 18 empty packets of crisps next to me, covered in cheesy crumbs. So I am resisting, and the way I am doing it is by thinking about group on Monday. I know that I will be weighed; there's no judgement there, but I love the feeling of success I get from having a good week and losing weight (also only 2lb to go to get my 3 stone award)!.

So I visualise how it will feel to be in the group explaining that I had a moment of weakness and ate my own body weight in crisps, versus how it will feel if I get my 3 stone award; I had already decided before I bought the crisps (for the kids) that I would not have any, and that's helping my resolve too. If I really want a snack I'll have a yoghurt or pickled onions or fruit.

Anyway, that's how I always, your mileage may vary.

Thursday 26th June

Healthy A: Milk. If you don't know what sort or how much, check yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that...


Peach, apple, satsuma


Mushroom & spring onion omelette, jacket wedges & runner beans


Teriyaki pork (2 syns for the sweet chilli sauce and teriyaki) with noodles & sweetcorn


Bacon on a wholemeal roll (Healthy B) with lettuce & tomato, yoghurt, fruit, ice lolly (rocket lolly: 2.5 syns).


30 minutes exercise bike


Saira172 said...

Must have been something in the water - I nearly accidentally ate a cheese toastie yesterday. When I say "a" it would have been 4 rounds of bread, lots of mature cheese and marmite!

Chris said... least the marmite is free! (I quite often have 4 rye crackerbread spread with marmite as my healthy b :)). The elder teen nearly got our sandwich toaster out yesterday, but he put it away when I told him he'd have to clean it himself!