
Monday 16 June 2014

Another week... which another weigh in will occur.

Quick scooter update first (see yesterday's blog): the local paper has called about it today and will run a small article about it in the next few days. We will offer a small reward and stick posters up. The Elder Teen is still extremely contrite about the whole situation, and has actually stopped winding his brother up, such is the depth of his contrition. I don't expect this to last long...

It is weigh in day again! I will update later with the result (I go to the 5:30pm group), which I'm hoping will be a loss this week (despite the extra syns I've sneaked in over the last couple of days. It's amazing how they build up. A single-finger Twix here, a portion of stuffing there and suddenly you're on 9 syns). I'm still inside my limit for the week (plus exercise helps) so I'm hopeful, but we shall see!

This week I think I will go for an alcohol free week. I have not done this since the very first week of Slimming World, and this possibly isn't the best time what with the world cup being on, but I think that I need a big push towards my target now, as I've been hovering half a stone or so above it for 3 weeks. I don't actually care too much about football (unless the Younger Teen is playing), but the elder and younger teens like to watch it and that's often an excuse for a glass of wine or a beer while watching.

Last time I had no alcohol for a week I lost 9lb (yes, in a week, and I ate a LOT and it was all Slimming World friendly), but that was my first week just after Christmas and I think my body was adjusting itself back to what it thought of as "normal" weight back then...little did it know what was coming next!

Our friend Saira has joined Slimming World a couple of weeks ago and is also blogging about it (rather more entertainingly than me, and without the long boring lists of food!). 

You can find Saira's blog here - we quite often get together for barbecues and jamming (her Very Significant Other* also plays the guitar and we like to bash some chords out and "sing"**), so we often share food and wine/cider; our next barbecue will no doubt be a Slimming World friendly one, although that's not difficult since lean meat is free and making your own sauces/marinades can cut a lot of syns out; bread is more problematic, but there are alternatives like wrapping the meat in lettuce etc. (which is surprisingly nice).

Saira is trying not to lose too much weight at once as they are getting married soon and the dress is already chosen and bought - as she put it in conversation "flashing on my wedding day wasn't what I had in mind!", but she is doing well and managing to control the weight loss so far - knowing Saira, once the wedding day is past the weight will fly off as she's very determined!

*blatantly pinched from Saira's blog.
**make a noise like cats being neutered without anaesthetic. No actual cats were harmed in discovering this, although a few ears were.

Monday 16th June


Banana, apple, satsuma


Bacon & tomato on a wholemeal roll (healthy b) with salad (lettuce, tomato, red onion, cucumber, spring onions).


Slimming World chicken nuggets with jacket wedges, green beans, broccoli & sweetcorn (1.5 syns for the chicken nuggets because of bread)

Snacks/drinks etc.

Coffee, fruit, Muller light


30 minutes exercise bike
30 minutes Just Dance (with the curtains closed because it makes me look exceedingly silly. I do get 5 stars on Time Warp every time though).

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